Popcorn or peanuts: Which one would you go for? If you’d ask us, we’ll go for peanuts. Research shows that a regular serving of nuts helps reduce age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration. Peanuts (and fish) are rich in omega-3 that helps fight inflammation in your peepers.

While you’re at it, load yourself with a nutritious diet that includes vitamins A, B, C and E. Zinc and copper are also good for your eyes. Your vision-ary diet should also incorporate foods rich in beta carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants help protect your eyes from sun damage.

Dark leafy veggies, pumpkins, carrots, yellow peppers and potatoes also contain these antioxidant nutrients. Notice that they’re color-coded: green and yellow. So the next time you make a grocery run, be sure to stop by the veggie section. These greens and yellows help reduce the risk of blindness. Moreover, foods rich in sulfur, lecithin and cysteine put a stop to cataract formation. Fill your grocery cart as well with onions, shallots and garlic.

Getting the right amount of vitamin B can also reduce the risk of central vision loss. Research shows that a daily intake of B-vitamin supplements reduced the risk of macular degeneration and blindness by as much as 40 percent. The study also showed that vitamin B lowered the levels of homocysteine—an amino acid that is linked with cardiovascular diseases and macular degeneration.

Also, give your eyes a break once in a while. Spending too much time in front of the computer can strain your eyes. Take a ten-minute rest every 50 minutes at the computer.
